I was going to talk about composting, with this post. But yesterday, I spent the morning of my day off clearing branches from the backyard.
That is about half of what's out there.
While I was wandering the wilderness, I had a chance to get a good look at the area I was planning on putting the vegetable garden. Let me show you it.
Keep in mind, I took this picture yesterday; mid-February, Winter sun, no leaves on the trees, almost noon. Not a big spot, in current conditions, of healthy veggie growing sunshine on the ground. I am a bit worried about what I mentioned the other day, biting off more than I can chew.
Which brings me to my next interruption. I get a little ahead of myself sometimes, do before I research. That tray of seedlings I planted earlier this week? Several of those plants will not grow outside by the time they have matured enough to be in the ground. Thankfully I didn't do my other two trays. I am going to have to let them mature in the sun room for a while and hopefully not have a huge zucchini plant flowing on to the treadmill.
So, I've got some re-organizing to do. More reading, more magazines, more pricing.